Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rent Due

The landlord knocked on my blog and asked for his rent. The rent around this joint is writing.

The landlord asked about my consistency down payment. Oh yeah, that payment. I said I would be consistent, but I don't think it will be everyday, at least to begin with. I need to find my flow. My rhythm. My joujou. He doesn't care about my inner workings he just wants his rent. Here I am to pay the rent with the sweat of my keyboard. I hope I don't fall short, he seems to mean business.

Today was a good day despite the evidence. I only had one appointment booked and it was at the end of my day. This means I can take advantage of a free hour. I'm not usually so good about spending my found time wisely. Not so today.

My first hour of found free time was spent taking my truck through emissions. I passed! Then I headed to work prepared to read, a lot. As soon as I got my room prepared a walk in client showed up. An old friend. I was able to catch up and help him feel better.

An hour later I had another walk-in client. A dentist who is training for an Ironman competition. This particular combination means lots of upper body work from bending over clients and swimming. Then lots of lower body work from the running and biking. He was a smorgasbord of muscles in need of soothing and tweaking. He was the clay to my hands. This is a time I wish I knew a famous sculpture artist. I would have compared myself to them today.

I have said it a million times...I love the runners. I love working hips, legs and feet. The legs are considered the roots of your body. The feet draw in everything, good and bad. If you don't have a strong foundation, the rest will crumble.
On Friday the 13th I took a therapeutic reflexology class for continuing education. Back in the day my friends and I always, and I do mean always threw a toga party on Friday the 13th. My oh my how things have changed. Or have they? On Friday the 13th in the 80's I would see half naked strangers with sheets falling off at our parties. This year, Friday the 13th I was rubbing strangers feet and I see half naked strangers under sheets on a daily basis. Ha...full circle or what?

I must secretly have a foot fetish or just love when my feet are done. Your feet can tell a lot about your body. Ailments can be treated just by hitting a few pressure points. Did you know that back in the day and I don't mean the day where I was running around at Toga parties. I mean back in the day of bare feet. When folks walked the earth barefooted the landscape would knead and fix a lot of the ailments in the body. We are a shoe society now, and that's not a bad thing, cause there are so many cute shoes. Our feet are beat up from different things now like tight shoes, long hours, and lack of walking in fields of flowers barefoot with your lover. I just made up the last part. It seems like a perfectly great thing to do.

What I am trying to say is your feet need love. They need attention. They can be your strength or weakness. Remember Achilles heel? That didn't turn out so good, so show your piggies some love. Get back on your feet and put one foot in front of the other and walk to the phone and make an appointment with me! I will tend to your feet like you are royalty.

Now, if you will excuse me. It is finally a sunny, blue sky day. My son and I have been invited to hang out with a friend and her horses. I promise to take pictures. The gloom and doom is going away and not a minute to soon. So, Mr. Landlord here's your rent. I hope it's enough.

1 comment:

DonnaForeverserenity said...

Oh my feet, love getting them rubbed too! Nice blog Kelly. I hope you enjoy the horses!