Monday, October 26, 2009

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
The astrological vibes suggest that you open yourself wide, try everything, and give freely. I urge you to adapt as your motto an exhortation that once came out of the mouth of the seven-year-old cartoon character Dennis the Menace: "Hey! Wake up! Let's go everywhere and do everything!" More than any other phase in many moons, Scorpio, this is your moment to make YES your battle cry. The world is asking you to be bigger than the old you, wilder than five blood oaths put together, and as strong as the full moon rising over a mountain.

This was my horoscope for the week from Rob Bresny. I love this guy. Half the time I understand what he's saying the other half I don't, that's the beauty of it. Check out your own horoscope and get back to me.

I have been whining about not writing and it's time to stop. I received some very good advice and I'm going to do something monumental and accept advice.

Connie said: Kelly, your creative energy is like a river that flows through is easily dammed or diverted. Where is your energy blocked and/or where are you diverting it to?

She has a magical way about her. I love it. Well, I don't know if I'm blocked but I do know what I'm diverting it to, time wasting things. I stopped farmin' on FB. Then I started the dang Bejeweled game, but it drove my eyes mad, so I went to the web site and played the full version of Bejeweled without the time limit. Can I tell you how long I messed around with it. Too long. It's what I do best, procrastinate and divert.

Tonya said: Just. Do. It. O>K>, O>K>

I'm going to try the advice of all three of these wise people. Going big, no blockage or diversion and just do it.

I'm sharing with you my intimate work space in the pictures. It's the room I love because there is books, crazy knick-knacks, a dusty treadmill, my massage table and suitcase ready to make a house call and did I say books? If you could see in the desk where I have it opened those are all writing books. two deep. If I could cash them in I would be rich, filthy, stinkin' rich! It's time to put the money to good use and as my other friend Joe, would say, Write Something.

Yesterday I went to one of my favorite bookstores in town, Aunties. It's like a big hug walking in there, so many books, book lovers and I think there was an author upstairs talking about her book. I found yet, another book on writing memoirs to go along with my library of how-to books. This one is a little special. I didn't realize when I bought it that it was used. When I came home and started reading it I noticed someone had underlined lots of passages. I feel like such a voyeur reading it. It's a glimpse into this persons life and what she/he thought was important. I'm mesmerized at my literary memoir soul mate. Maybe a story in that, huh?

I'm going to be bigger than the old me and tell you a little truth. I love writing, but somewhere deep in my mind I would love to be making a living at it. I have always bought into the idea if you do something you love the money will follow. It's crazy, but I do. Hell, I loved cooking for so long and look at my riches now! ha, that's sarcasm. I guess, what cooking did was provide a living for me and my family and allowed me to meet lots of people. I mean, the little ditty doesn't say how much money will follow. Does it?

I haven't been writing, so how can the money follow something I am not doing. This is a start, a rambling start.

My problem is I'm a hedonist, in all areas. When I write I need instant gratification. I do, I admit it. Even if it's not good feedback, I need feedback. Well, I'm going to try and forget about comments, so no more bribery give away's for awhile. I will try to be more open and be wilder than five blood oaths put together.

I think for me it means being more open. I sensor or dilute a lot of my writing because I don't know if it's wise to unload. I have a dark and twisty side to me like Meredith Gray on Gray's Anatomy. I also have a lot of T.V and movie references. It's who I am. I write freely and easily when I'm happy. When I'm mad, sad or anything else I don't write. Like I said, I'm a hedonist, so I want it to go away. I know shit happens, but getting rid of the shit is my job, my gift. Or, like Jack Nicholson says, I can't handle the truth. Maybe. Maybe not.

I also, don't know how my family or friends would handle my unloading of the soul. We'll see. This is a start. I apologize to any of my family/friends ahead of time if I cross the line. My goal is to tell stories without sounding like a victim, cause I can assure you I am no victim.

You know what I miss about writing? I miss reading other people's blogs who I have gotten to know. I'm happy Facebook has kept us connected, but it's not enough. It's like having sex with a guy with a tiny dick. It's just not satisfying. I need more.

I'm a goal oriented type of girl so when I make lists, lists I learned to make from my friend Becky. I can cross them off. That feels good. However, I have also learned if you want your dreams to come true, you have to take action. You also have to start with your reality, not what you want your reality to be. My reality is I'm a story teller not a writer. I have a hard time showing, instead of telling. That's my reality. Maybe these little entries of nonsense is my gift. Hopefully they will take your mind off your shit. I am an official shit kicker.

In the meantime, that's my new motto. Just write something in the meantime.
