Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tis the Season

Winter is my second favorite time of year. My first love is fall, then summer, and spring coming in last.

I'm sure that says something about me.

When I was little I glamorized winter. It's probably because I grew up in south Florida and winter was putting on pants instead of shorts. I loved the Holiday movies depicting snowfalls, sledding on hills, sleigh rides and romantic walks down a decorated main street. Chestnuts roasting on an open fire. I dreamed of skiing in the mountains and finishing off the day with hot chocolate and marshmallows. Hook, line and sinker. I bought the image.

I wished so much to be in the television Christmas movies. I remember settling down to watch Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, The Grinch who Stole Christmas and It's a Wonderful Life, a million times a month before somebody bought the rights. Now I don't know when it's on regular t.v.

I still watch the shows and cry. I like the cheesy ones. I like the dramatic ones. I like the kids shows. I don't care. I even like the one with Dolly Parton and Lee Majors. Ha! I admit it. I like every rendition of Scrooge. Bill Murray's Scrooged is top on my list in that category. God bless us all. God bless everyone.

At Christmastime I buy oranges. My mom always bought oranges at Christmas when we were growing up. It always seemed weird because we could get oranges anytime of the year living in Florida. I think because when she was growing up in Georgia it was quite a treat to have fresh fruit at Christmas. The smell is so fresh and alive. So, now I bombard my family with oranges at Christmas. I hope they will remember stuff like that.

I miss my mom very much.

One of the things I don't like is shopping. At least most of the time. I don't like crowds. I don't like people bitching and moaning and fighting over stuff. Black Friday is disgusting to me. I guess I have this notion in my head of the ugly housewife shopping to get all the must have toys. So, it's what I see. I should look for the happy people who are having a good time. It's something I need to work on.

My first Christmas with my husband was magical. He wanted to make it one to remember, because my first Christmas here was very sad. That's a story for another time. Anyway, we did it up. The tree had so many toys underneath it. It was a kids dream come true. However, my kids just went through those packages in no time. It was obscene and they were so hopped up with excitement they totally succumbed to the "next" mentality. Open gift, throw the gift down and yell next. I was saddened by the way they behaved. The funny thing is we did it. Of course the kids are going to act like that. They had never seen a Christmas like this before. They did what any red blooded kid would do. It was our fault. I guess seeing my kids behave so ungrateful really hit me hard. We are very choosy about our gifts now and try to focus more on doing holiday things and the spirit of Christmas.

Winter is what I imagined as a kid. One of the presents we splurge on is a family ski pass at the local mountain. We buy it at the end of the season when they are the cheapest. It's a gamble because you don't know what kind of winter it will be. I think if you use it 5 times you get your money's worth. Unless there is no snow, it's not a problem. We are up there every weekend. This is a local mountain so it's not as big as say Tahoe, but it's fun. It is exactly one hour from our doorstep to the lift. Not bad. There isn't a more perfect day then when you are on a mountain with fresh snow and the sun is shining. It's glorious. Being in paradise with your family having fun....priceless.

We are an outside family, no video games. It's not because we are noble, or think they are evil. We had so much trouble in the house. That's another long story. Maybe I will write about that sometime, but not today. With that in mind here is a couple of gift ideas from me to you. I would like to hear yours as well.

The Daring Book for Girls.

The Dangerous Book For Boys.

They are fun books for the kids with lots of information and things to do.

There is another book called The American Boy's Handy Book: What to do and How to do it. Now this is a great book for father and son. Even mom and son, or daughter. If you have a taste for adventure. It tells you how to do so many things, outside for all the seasons. It's wonderful. We bought it and use it all the time when we go up to the woods. It's simple. If you aren't an outside family then this will give you a place to start. Heck, just sitting around looking at it and planning your adventures will be a family treasure. Trust me.

My eight year old is getting a jump rope. Don't laugh, he wants one. Ever since he saw the Disney channel movie Jump In, he thinks it's cool. He and the other boys now play with the little girls jumping rope. They even know the songs.

So, again I have my head in the clouds and glamorize this time of year. The Norman Rockwell Christmas or the Thomas Kincaid Holiday. Those visions warm my heart. The one thing I always wanted was a family. The traditional family, like in story books and tv from when I was a kid. Sometimes I get it right, other times I am way off. I keep on trying. I have a lot to learn, but if my kids feel love, security and magic. Well then, I'm getting close.

Enjoy the magic of December!

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